You are here: Data Entry > Contractors > Setting up Form 480.6B.1

Setting up a 480.6B.1 Form

The Annual Reconciliation Statement of Income Subject to Withholding or Prepayment Form (480.6B.1) is a reconciliation summary of all the 480.6B payments made by the company for the year.

  1. From the Data Entry menu, click Contractors.
  2. Select the company from the Company drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select the contractor from the list or perform a search if the list is too long.
  4. Click the 6B.1 tab. PRPay displays the Part I of the form. Each row corresponds to the lines on the original form.



  1. Click the Apply Credit... checkbox to apply the previous year's credit to the current year’s debt. Otherwise, leave it blank.
  2. Click Import Detail to import the 480.6B data.
  3. Click Import Credits to automatically import credits from the previous year to the Credits from Previous Year column. If you do not have the previous year data in PRPay, you can enter the credits manually.
  4. Click Clear Credits if you wish to delete the credits entered in the Credits from Previous Year column.
  5. Enter the deposits made in the Tax Deposited and Tax Deposited in Excess columns.
  6. Complete and edit fields accordingly.
  7. Click Part II to detail the amount paid, tax withheld or prepaid, and tax deposited monthly, or click Close to exit this screen.

  1. Click Import Detail to automatically import the 480.6B data or enter it manually.
  2. For instructions on how to complete this form, click here or search for this form in the Hacienda website at
  3. The data will be automatically saved by the application.
  4. Click File/Close to exit this screen.

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